The form of the vehicles indication (Shinkansen)


*a *b *c @@@@*d

*a : series number
0 to 8 ,  9 is used for trial production and for the maintenance. Indication doesn't have it in the case of the zero , and the  car of JR-east new products give the character of "E" before the number. 

*b : equipment@

number facilities
1 Green car
2 Ordinary car
3 Dining car or Buffet and ordinary car
4or5 Double deck green car
6 Double deck dining car
7 Double deck green and ordinary car

*c : operation and motor classification@ 

number with operatinon room with motor with pantograph
1 › › ~
2 › › ›
3or4 › ~ ~
5or7 ~ › ~
6 ~ › ›
8or9 ~ ~ ~

*d : manufacture number

Though it is usually a turn from No.1, for example it is distinguished by the specification in the number such as the 500's,the 1000's. And the 900's are used for the preceding trial production car again.