Japanese train 1-5 JNR(JR) Diesel Car (DC)

It is introduced here about the JR diesel car.

2.Vehicles during the activity as Local , Commuter and  Express (Made in the JR new age)

photograph company series name / type : kind and specification
dc11 41cars kiha 11

キハ11: both sides operation room,without WC,steel body

キハ11-300: both sides operation room,with WC,stainless baody
dc110 247cars 100series 110series

キハ100 :both sides operation room,without WC
キハ110 :both sides operation room,with WC
キハ111 :one side operation room,with WC
キハ112 :one side operation room,without WC
dc120 89cars kiha 120

キハ120 :both sides operation room,without WC
dc125 25cars kiha 125

キハ125 :both sides operation room,without WC
dc150 20cars 150series

キハ150 :both sides operation room,with WC
キハ150-100 :without cooler
series DC 200 52cars 200series

キハ200-1 :one side operation room,with WC
キハ200-1000 :one side operation room,without WC
キハ220 :both sides operation room,without WC
color : Red(standard),Blue(Nagasaki area),Yellow(Kagoshima area)
dc201 series 12cars 201series

キハ201-100 :for Sappo side with operation room
キハ201-200 :middle car
キハ201-300 :for Otaru side with operation room

It is possible for these vehicles which connect it with the 731 series Emu and to co-operate that it drives.
dc1000 56cars 1000series

1000 :both sides operation room,without WC
Some of the vehicles are doing remodeling of gaining the equipment of the lavatory.
series 75 40cars 75series

For rapid group
キハ75-0 :one side operation room,with WC
キハ75-100 :one side operation room,without WC
For express group
キハ75-300 :one side operation room,with WC
キハ75-350 :one side operation room,without WC